Calgary Herald

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More Alberta content please
On Monday there were 6 Washington Post articles. Can’t we have more Alberta news that happens Saturday or Sunday?

This Southern Alberta farm boy doesn’t need to know how to make maple syrup.

Besides the best maple syrup comes from Quebec.

Barry King
Be RCAF Proud
What is the purpose of a Federal Government ?

Is it to decide if Christmas Lights should be allowed or to tell the Provinces the colors of their crosswalks? No. The purpose of the Federal Government is to provide security and protection of their citizens.

Would you move to a place that had no Provincial or municipal police? I don’t think so. Why do we put up with this in Canada?

At the end of WW II the RCAF had 215,000 personnel. They were the fourth largest Airforce in the world and many felt they ranked third in operational preparation.

As were celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the RCAF April 1st,2024 the statistics show we have 15,000 RCAF personnel. Totally Canada ‘s military is ranked 27 out of 145 countries. Totally we have 68,000 active members, 27,000 Reservist’s and 5,500 Para-Military.

We no longer have the aircraft to protect our North. This is not the Canada we want.

Colin Catley
Water in peril – Immediate action needed
For well over 100 years we have taken our water ways and irrigation infrastructure. for granted. Their importance is illustrated by the fact – 4.4 per cent of the Alberta’s cultivated land within irrigation districts provides 27 per cent of the value of All agricultural products produced -irrigation is responsible for 46,000 full-time equivalent employment positions and produces well over $5 billion to the annual provincial GDP.

Alberta has Billions of dollars in water irrigation infrastructure and is contemplating $ 900 million in further investments. All of this is in immediate peril due to invasive species (Zebra and Quagga mussels ) which are at our borders !

On February 4th the Kelowna Chamber of commerce has called for the immediate moratorium on All out of province water craft – singling out Albertans ! I believe we must join this moratorium with urgent priority.

Unless we are able to provide 24 hour security at every border crossing ( which we don’t have either the resources or the time ) we are at great risk. All it takes is one contaminated boat and the entire water shed is contaminated – forever – because these waterways are all inter connected and there is no practical eradication method. .

Society doesn’t generally like “abrupt” but never has a issue with deserved “abrupt ” like this existential threat. Google LAKE WINNIPEG Zebra Mussel infestation – imagine the consequences of 3′ of rotting shell fish on the banks of our rivers and lakes.

We must be proactive – to be reactive is unthinkable !

S Todd Beasley

Brooks\Medicine Hat
Please Print PGA Golf Scores
This past weekend the ‘ Phoenix Open Golf Tournament ‘ was played over 4 days in Phoenix, Az.

This tournament draws many of the best golfers in the world; it is watched by millions of golfers world wide. The golf is exceptional and the prize-money is huge; adding to the golf-public interest.

Unfortunately, the Calgary Herald did not publish these results. I have contacted the sports desk previously to express interest in seeing the Herald publish such results from the P.G.A.; to no avail.

Over time I note that your sister paper, the EDMONTON JOURNAL does print this information; scores each day and the resultant prize money.

Surely, the HERALD can be as informative .

Yours for good readership,

Bill Hart
Is Anyone Home at Calgary Herald?
This is a new venture for me. In the 20+ years as a subscriber I have never sent in a letter to the editor. My issue is that it is virtually impossible to contact anyone at The Herald.

I have tried on numerous occasions, to contact the Herald for a very simple request. I want to give a tip to our delivery person! The online system does not work, saying I have to talk to an agent.

When I call the customer service number I am told to push 1 to have them call back. Never got a call back after 4 requests on separate days. Does the Herald really know anything about customer service? I think not!

Jim Luelo
Let’s Include Everyone
Please, it is time to do away with partisan politics. Let’s celebrate each Party’s successes.

I am no Trudeau fan but he did do a good job at a time of crisis. Yes he is Eastern centric, is full of empty platitudes and apologizes too much without really looking to the future but on the issue of the government’s immediate response to Covid – I tip my hat.

I have listened to UPC debates and gone to one rally. The underlying theme is to protect us from the NDP and vilify Rachael Notley. The NDP initially was not prepared to govern but by the end of their run a number of achievements were made that were very progressive for all Albertans.

Inclusivity includes people of all political stripes – for the good of us all I ask all politicians to remember this.

George Gish
Claresholm, AB