Toronto Sun

Letters They Publish
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Letters/Comments you asked us to publish

Hold your nose and vote

Dear Editor,

I can’t imagine what people outside the United States must be thinking of our choices….either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, for president.

Maybe they simply agree with the vast majority of Americans (64% in the latest polls) that they are both too old and at least one of them is an autocrat.

Let me reassure your readers that you are correct on both counts and the first caravan of immigrants will be crossing your border in early November. So, get ready, cause here we come.

Bob Ory

More can be done to stop car theft


Why not really check the ocean carriers before transportation to find out how many cars are in each of these carriers. How else do the cars get smuggled overseas if not by carriers on boats?

That’s the only way they can ship stolen vehicles abroad…not by plane, not by small boats…and maybe by rafts.

Maybe a better check of this might prevent these thefts. Is it too difficult to inspect these before export…. you can check trucks but not boats?

David Barrick