New Brunswick

Province-wide Opinion Section.

Your Free Speech letters will appear here.

That dog won’t hunt?

Guaranteed basic income bill-s-233 is being considered by Liberal Senator Kim Pate but is doomed to failure before it takes flight. The Senator had the audacity to compare UBI to the great success of Medicare. Considering this moronic bill in the first place is worrisome and destructive as the Liberals struggle with their abysmal poll numbers.

Government should pay heed. “No government can afford it,” Aged Senators within the Liberal government are clearly suffering from serious enigmas “upstairs.” So, where in Canadians minds does the problem lie. The preponderance of citizens considers the problem lies squarely on Justin Trudeau’s back and the Liberal party is stuck in a cataclysmic purgatory.

Considering that Justin Trudeau has continuously lied to the citizens or at best (misinformed) his constituents, why would anyone listen to what he has to say? G7 countries go out of their way to avoid him and politely sidestep Canada when important meetings take place, therefore we are not invited because they are suspect of our allegiance.

As the days roll on, Justin Trudeau and his Liberals suffer tone deafness to the ninth degree and their emotional intelligence equals – zero. The demise is exacerbated by his Liberal supporters which is detrimental to all Canadians.

R Yaschuk

Just looking for a fair deal

You might not think the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) members are on the picket line as the only means of securing a decent raise. You might even think we are wrong to stand strong in solidarity to have our requests heard.

You may be asking why strike. Simply, our contract ran out two years ago and negotiations were not successful, so a strike is the only way to be heard. Thus, negotiating a fair collective agreement is the only way to end the strike. We are not asking for a blank cheque; we are asking for a fair negotiated deal ensuring PSAC and Canadians win.

Unfortunately, when this government says talks have broken down and it will not bargain to end this strike then Canadians lose. Canadians are missing services they need. We need your help to make sure this government comes back to the table to negotiate fairly.

Our PSAC leader, has put forward our requests by responding to every demand made by the government. Sadly, this government has not fulfilled its responsibility to bargain fairly and so what does this mean for Canadians?

It means PSAC members remain strong, and the strike goes on. No one wants a strike. We all want to work. We cannot work so long as this government holds out and keeps us off the job. We need your help to do whatever you can to contact the government and bring them back to the table to end this strike.

B Kyle